GTD is the popular shorthand for “Getting Things Done”, the groundbreaking work-life management system and book by David Allen that transforms personal overwhelm and overload into an integrated system of stress-free productivity.
Even though I own two PDAs (a Dell Axim and a Treo 650), I still find myself disorganized at times and not completing everything on my task lists. Many times, I'll have an item on my Task list that has been sitting there for days waiting to get done and it's something that will take a couple of minutes to do and I'll keep changing the due date, just so it won't turn up red or "overdue", instead of just DOING IT. For example, what's on my list today that's overdue? "Backup Axim". Something that will take me just a couple of seconds to start, but I always procrastinate and it's not done on schedule. That's just something out my den has been on my To-Do list for about four months now!! a result of my "issues" with completing my tasks and productivity, I moseyed on over to and purchased.....